
Volunteer Needs

Howdy Hurricanes, 

As we look at this weekend's meet we still have 14 shifts that need to be filled and while we really appreciate all the families that have already volunteered we still need volunteers to make these meets happen. If you have not met your hours for this season or you have met your hours and are able to continue to help the team, please look at the jobs open for this meet and sign-up. 

Volunteers Needed for this weekend's meet at Forest North:

6U Girls Tent Parent- 2

7/8 Boys Tent Parent- 2

7/8 Girls Tent Parent- 2

9/10 Boys Tent Parent- 1

11/12 Girls Tent Parent- 1

11/12 Boys Tent Parent- 2

Exchange Judge- 2

Ready Bench Second Shift- 2

Ribbons- 1

We are also short volunteers for Thursday's Pep-Rally. 

Volunteers Needed:

Concessions- 1

Set-Up and Teardown- 4

I would like to sincerely thank all of the families that have volunteered this season to help our meets run so smoothly. We already have several families that have completed all their hours and more. We only have 3 meets left and I would love to finish just as strong as we started! 

Go Hurricanes, 


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